[English review] A kiss in the dark, Cat Clarke

◄►◄►◄ Book's presentation ►◄►◄►
By Cat Clarke
Quercus Publishers
370 pages
8,99 €
370 pages
8,99 €
◄►◄►◄ My review►◄►◄►

Alex and Kate meet on a forum. It’s total
alchemy. The couple gets together as if it is inevitable. Their relationship is
filled with tenderness. But one of them is hiding a secret. A terrible secret.
“Can their love survive?”
Everything begins tactfully. We
plunge into a strange and terribly fascinating atmosphere; a mixture of
attraction, fear and excitement. The feelings are brilliantly portrayed and
there is this incredible atmosphere which urges you to believe in them. You
become attached to this heartrending couple, where each point of view is unique
and simply moving. You begin to dream, to see things from the point of view of
Alex. Who also persuades us to believe this, who persuades us that anything is
possible, yes, that this dream exists.
This dream, this Love. This is an
incredible dream-like ode to sincere, just and sweet feelings.
Quintessentially, bearing in mind the idea that anything is possible, this book
is wonderfully delicate. How can we not believe in it? How can you not tell
yourself that love makes anything possible.
Every moment from the beginning,
enchants you, slowly at first, then more and more deeply. At the beginning, the
story is interesting, engaging, then it gets more and more fascinating.
All of this moves you and makes you
understand that it’s much more than a simple love story. My heart was in my
throat. When everything collapses, when everything changes, there is only the
fear, the darkness, and no more kisses left. How can we get through it? What do
broken dreams become? What does withered hope become? Cat Clarke answers these
questions with tears and some love.
In reality,
this is a book about all of the above, but it’s also about lies. What is this
lie? What does it bring? Good or bad. What is left in the end? Does the hope of
truth remain? Poignant, this book brings answers, but questions as well.
Sensitively and powerfully, Cat Clarke brings us a story like no other, that
will have your heart in your throat and tears in your eyes. The lie will
destroy everything.
There is
Alex. A person who is sweet, attentive, and who leads us to believe that
everything could be different, unique, dreamy. Hope and heart, Love and fear.
The first part is sincerely wonderful, endearing in all aspects, but also so
heartrending and captivating: how will it resolve itself? Then there is Kate,
down to earth and in love, she stays in our hearts and we wonder, what is left
of her feelings? What is left for her? Will she ever recover? They’re a couple,
just a couple. But this is so real, it’s our turn to fall in love with them.
Who do we fall in love with? People are just people, aren’t they?
Always the same questions throughout the story which captivate you. Cat Clarke
leads us in a dance and we get transported on a movement so marvelous, and not
as alien as we might think, in a blend of black and white, hot and cold, lie
and truth…
And when all
is lost, we understand that this is more complex than that. And that everything
is different from this incredible dream we forged with Alex and Kate. On what
does love rely? All these questions are touched on with depth and an infallible
intelligence. These questions ran on a loop in my head, and they’re still
running. I’ve been looking for the answers since I finished the book… but I
always come back to the same thing: this intelligence used with care and depth
confuses you and brings so many feelings out in you… This couple is sincerely
wonderful and this ending is… indescribable. Extraordinary. (What else is there
to say?!)
Indeed, Cat Clarke handles our feelings with skill in
order to bring us into this incredible story in a believable way, never
wavering. Her writing style is simple but endearing and effective. Words smash
against us. A writing genius, she tells us about the discernible existence of
love and the terrifying threat of lies. What remains after that?
What remains after A
Kiss in the Dark? The incredible hope of a happy ending haunts us throughout
the whole book. This is the main question of the novel: can love, true love,
survive in any circumstances? And are lies the most destructive force in the
world? More generally, the novel is about hope. The hope of a sweet, wonderful
life, far away from darkness, spent in someone else’s arms or in the warmth of
a sunset on the beach. This book is about hope that illuminates the darkness … much
like a kiss in the dark.
(Thanks a lot to Caroline, and thanks Iris ♥)
◄►◄►◄ + ►◄►◄►
- An incredible, honest and strong ode
- Sweet and unique characters
- Strong feelings
- Sensible and powerful writing
- Sweet and unique characters
- Strong feelings
- Sensible and powerful writing
◄►◄►◄ - ►◄►◄►
- ♥
◄►◄►◄ EN BREF ►◄►◄►
An incrediblebly strong romance, ravaging and sincerely fascinating. A big heart-stopper.
One music ?
Delicate, love, strong, tears, sincerity...
If you like it...
Other ideas...

(French covers, sorry, and french reviews, so in english : Torn, Entangled, Undone and The fault in our stars)
Cruelles, pour l'angoisse, l'émotion, la peur - "Ce n’est pas encore le coup de cœur, mais Cat Clarke est monté en grade avec Cruelles, et je ne peux donc que vous le conseiller !" >>>
Confusion, pour le mystère, pour la fin, pour les émotions - "Un livre angoissant mais addictif à haut point !" >>>
Revanche, pour l'émotion, pour la fin, pour l'espoir qui se meurt, la peur et le mensonge - "Il y a des livres qui vont font des hématomes. Des bleus au cœur. Des marques qui vous restent plus ou moins longtemps. Revanche en est un. Electrisant et frappant, il m’a marqué. Il suffit d’un coup d’œil à la couverture, cette fille qui tombe, à peine retenue par un ruban, il suffit d’un coup d’œil pour s’imaginer le vide, pour s’imaginer le gouffre, pour s’imaginer la douleur. Ça frappe de ces souvenirs, ça heurte. Ça se débat au fond de nous pour sortir. Revanche est un livre qui chercher à sortir du fond de chacun de nous. Pénombre." >>>
Nos étoiles contraires, parce que livre parfait, pour l'émotion, pour la fin, pour le coup de poing au coeur cette fois-ci - "Au milieu d’une tempête de sentiments et d’émotions, même le plus inébranlable des lecteurs en ressortira bouleversé, jusqu’au plus profond de son être, là où les étoiles chutent et décollent : là où nos sentiments sont les plus incertains, et plus vrais aussi." >>>
And the others ?
Other (english) reviews about A kiss in the dark !
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